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FARVets Team arrive in Sierra Leone

CPI were honoured to have the FARVets Team from Cornell University arrive in Sierra Leone in late March 2022. FARVets, which stands for Field, Abroad, Reaching-Out Veterinarians, is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting animal welfare domestically and abroad through sterilisation, wellness and education.

FARVets have been partnering with small grassroots animal welfare groups across the globe from Grenada to Bulgaria and on 22 March, the team arrived in Sierra Leone to work with us on mass dog sterilisations.

In just 4 days of their visit, the team worked tirelessly and carried out an impressive 40 spays!

Rebecca Dobinson, Senior Veterinary Doctor and Veterinary Director at CPI said

It was a busy couple of weeks for Compassionate Paws International in Sierra Leone 🇸🇱
45 sterilisations (40 spays & 5 castrations), 53 dogs tested for blood borne parasites, 20 veterinary interventions including an enucleation, broken jaw repair and lump removal.

Rebecca thanked everyone that made it possible, including the FARVets team who travelled out to perform the sterilisations.

To find out more about the great work that FARVets do you can visit their website at

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